From the same company:
The 20th Century Song Book (1904, complete pamphlet)
Home Treatment for Women (before 1920?, complete)
From Dr R. V. Pierce:
Ladies Note Book and Calendar (1914)
The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English; or, Medicine Simplified (1895) Excerpts show the variety of physical therapy equipment used.
"The Manipulator" could be used with a table to vibrate body parts and possible sexual usage.
From Lydia Pinkham Medicine Company:
Private Text-Book Upon Ailments Peculiar to Women (complete)
Home Talks (complete pamphlet)
Come into the Kitchen (complete pamphlet)
Fruits and Candies (complete pamphlet)
The Happy Baby (complete pamphlet)
Landmarks of New England (complete pamphlet)
Stretching Your Dollar (complete pamphlet)
Sex Facts for Women, by Richard L. Lambert, Ph.G. [Graduate Pharmacist], M.D., 1936, New York
The Intimate Side of a Woman's Life, book by Leona W. Chalmers (1937, Pioneer Publications, Inc., Radio City, New York): excerpt about her menstrual cup and douching
The "Mon Docteur" Way to Health[,] Vitality[,] and Beauty (1928-29? leaflets, booklets: Leaflet: This is It (covers, pages 2/3, 4/5, 6/7/8) - Leaflet: Every Woman Wants to be Lovely and Belovèd (pages 1/4, 2/3) - Booklet: Why Haven't We Women Been Told This Thing Before? (covers, pages 1/2-3/4, 5/6-7/8, 9/10-11/12, 13/14-15/16, 17/18-19/20, 21/22) - Booklet: The Mon Docteur Treatments)
Booklets menstrual hygiene companies made for girls, women and teachers - patent medicine - a list of books and articles about menstruation
See early tampons and a list of tampons on this site - at least the ones I've cataloged.
CONTRIBUTE to Humor, Words and expressions about menstruation and Would you stop menstruating if you could?
Some MUM site links:
MUM address & What does MUM mean? |
Email the museum |
Privacy on this site |
Who runs this museum?? |
Amazing women! |
Art of menstruation (and awesome ancient art of menstruation) |
Artists (non-menstrual) |
Asbestos |
Belts |
Bidets |
Birth control and religion |
Birth control drugs, old |
Birth control douche & sponges |
Founder bio |
Bly, Nellie |
MUM board |
Books: menstruation & menopause (& reviews) |
Cats |
Company booklets for girls (mostly) directory |
Contraception and religion |
Contraceptive drugs, old |
Contraceptive douche & sponges |
Costumes |
Menstrual cups |
Cup usage |
Dispensers |
Douches, pain, sprays |
Essay directory |
Examination, gynecological (pelvic) (short history) |
Extraction |
Facts-of-life booklets for girls |
Famous women in menstrual hygiene ads |
Feminine napkin, towel, pad directory |
Founder/director biography |
Gynecological topics by Dr. Soucasaux |
Humor |
Huts |
Links |
Masturbation |
Media coverage of MUM |
Menarche booklets for girls and parents |
Miscellaneous |
Museum future |
Norwegian menstruation exhibit |
Odor |
Olor |
Pad, towel, napkin directory |
Patent medicine |
Poetry directory |
Products, some current |
Puberty booklets for girls and parents|
Religion |
Religión y menstruación |
Your remedies for menstrual discomfort |
Menstrual products safety |
Sanitary napkin, towel, pad directory |
Seguridad de productos para la menstruación |
Science |
Shame |
Slapping, menstrual |
Sponges |
Synchrony |
Tampon directory |
Early tampons |
Teen ads directory |
Tour of the former museum (video) |
Towel, pad, sanitary napkin directory |
Underpants & panties directory |
Videos, films directory |
Words and expressions about menstruation |
Would you stop menstruating if you could? |
What did women do about menstruation in the past? |
Washable pads |
Read 10 years (1996-2006) of articles and Letters to Your MUM on this site.
Leer la versión en español de los siguientes temas: Anticoncepción y religión, Breve reseña - Olor - Religión y menstruación - Seguridad de productos para la menstruación.

Home Treatment of Female Diseases, booklet, 1894
Chattanooga Medicine Company, Chattanooga, Tennessee, U.S.A.
Wine of Cardui, Rev. R. L. McElree, M. A. Thedford, liver, gynecology, menstrual disturbances, black draught, girl, women, health, menstruation, period, hygiene,

First page.

Below: An Explanation of of the Wine of Cardui Treatment of Female Diseases
The story of Rev. McElree and the unnamed Indian herb.

NEXT | covers - inside front cov. & title - Preface & Rev. R. L. McElree portrait - Cost of The Home Treatment & Ch. I: Anatomy of the Womb and Its Appendages - Ch. II: The Phenomenon of Menstruation - Ch. III: The Hygiene of Puberty - Ch. IV: Disorders of Menstruation: Absent or Scanty Menstruation - Ch. V: Painful Menstruation - Ch. VI: Profuse Menstruation or Flooding; Chlorosis - Ch. VII: Leucorrhoea, or Whites; Inflammation of the Vagina - Ch. VIII: Diseases of the Ovaries - Ch. IX: Displacement of the Womb - Ch. X: Inflammation of the Womb; The Use of Vaginal Injections [douching] - Ch. XI: Change of Life - Ch. XII: Conception; Pregnancy; The Lying In Period; Abortion - PART II: Typical Cases of Female Diseases Treated at Home - An Explanation of Wine of Cardui Treatment of Female Diseases - Thedford's Liver Medicine or Black-Draught, Typical Cases of Female Diseases - Letters from the People Who Have Tried the Wine of Cardui Treatment - Patten's "Dixie" chewing gum; Black Draught Liver Medicine picture - Pamphlet inserts: Ten-cent coupon & patient's coupon for Lady's Advisory Department & examination blank
From the same company: The 20th Century Song Book (1904, complete pamphlet), Home Treatment for Women (before 1920?, complete)
From Dr R. V. Pierce: Ladies Note Book and Calendar (1914), The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English; or, Medicine Simplified (1895) Excerpts show the variety of physical therapy equipment and possible sexual usage.
From Lydia Pinkham
Medicine Company:
Private Text-Book Upon Ailments Peculiar to Women (complete), Home Talks (complete pamphlet), Come into the Kitchen (complete pamphlet), Fruits and Candies (complete pamphlet), The Happy Baby (complete pamphlet), Landmarks of New England (complete pamphlet), Stretching Your Dollar (complete pamphlet) - MORE IN COLUMN AT LEFT

Many more

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