See another Australian pad ad.
Ad for the Australian Myzone menstrual pain
pills (1952).
Libra menstrual pantyliner ad
Australia, 1997, magazine unknown
Yikes! Who's this ad for? Sexy ads for menstrual products (or things
that absorb vaginal discharge) practically don't exist. The companies don't
sell to men. But picturing an appealing woman wearing (if concealed) the
company's pantiliner could make the viewers say to themselves, Hey, I can
use this and be sexy too! And keep my clothes on.
The ad addresses "girls," a touchy subject in the U.S. Another Libra ad does too.
See another Libra ad that completely - well,
almost - hides the pad it's selling.
See another Australian pad ad.
I thank the generous contributor, Ms. C.W. of London, U.K.
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