Magazine cover (monochrome watercolor on 90 lb. paper and printed as a duotone)

I ate an Apfelkuchen (apple pastry) and had a Kännchen Kaffee (two-cup pot of coffee) almost every Saturday morning for seven years at the Café Sauer in Heidelberg, Germany. EurArmy magazine, for which I was art director, decided to do a story on German cafés, and I painted three illustrations of the café operations and this cover of Mr. Sauer, the pastry chef, who is no longer alive. His wife, the owner, has retired, and now the café is called the Mannheimer Tor ("Mannheim Gate"; Mannheim is a city near Heidelberg).

If you have ever sat in a German café drinking heavenly coffee, knowing that the pastry you have ordered is even then in the oven, almost ready to sit, exuding perfume, in front of you, you will know why I miss them so much.



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